DTN News - JAPAN DEFENSE NEWS: Japan Upgrading Airlift Assets

(NSI News Source Info) TORONTO, Canada - February 24, 2012: Japan is upgrading its fleet of military cargo planes and has requested engines and other support from the United States.
The Foreign Military Sale request, reported to Congress by the Defense Security Cooperation Agency, is for six KC-130R aircraft engines and 30 T-56-A-16 engines as well as overhaul, modifications and logistics support for them.
The engines would be provided as Excess Defense Articles, the agency said.
As part of the package, Japan also requested six non-EDA spare T-56-A-16 engines, six AN/APS-133 radars, nine AN/APX-119 transponder systems and other related services.
The estimated cost is $170 million.
"Japan is one of the major political and economic powers in East Asia and the Western Pacific and a key ally of the United States in ensuring the peace and stability of this region," the notification to Congress said. "The U.S. government shares bases and facilities in Japan. This proposed sale is consistent with these U.S. objectives and with the 1960 Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security."

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