Alice, Wiley and I are home at last from Masonic Week in Alexandria. We took our leisurely time about things, so we didn't get home until Wednesday evening. As usual, the events were outstanding, with a couple of personal standouts for me (some of which I can't discuss yet, and two of which were among the most moving experiences I have had as a Mason).
On Friday, February 10th I had the very distinct honor of being named as the 101st member of the Society of Blue Friars, by Grand Abbot S. Brent Morris. The Blue Friars were formed in 1932 to recognize Masonic authors, and today there are only 26 living members. I am humbled to be in the company of so many brethren whose work I have long admired, and am deeply appreciative of this honor. Each year I look forward to the Blue Friars gathering and the paper delivered by each new member, and it was a great experience to be the one delivering it this year.
Monday evening I had the opportunity to head for Baltimore to speak to the Maryland College of the SRICF. Many thanks to the fratres for their kind invitation and their generous hospitality.
The Masonic Society had another outstanding week, with many old and new members stopping by our table in the vendors' area. The hospitality suite, although smaller this year thanks to the hotel's remodeling, was packed to the rafters Thursday and Friday evenings. Many thanks to everyone who stopped in for a wee dram and great conversation, and especially to Jim Dillman for acting as our bartender and lifeguard once again.
Our banquet was outstanding, and speaker Brett McKay, co-author of The Art of Manliness, gave a terrific talk on the origin of his book and website, and what it means to be a man in today's society. Thanks, Brett, for making it a great evening, and to everyone who came out. Billy Koon stopped by to point out that we again outdrew his Knights Occidental gathering at the same time.
Looking forward to next year, the Allied Masonic Week will move hotels to the Hayatt in Reston, Virginia, February 6th through the 9th, so there are many unknown details that will be worked out as the year progresses.