So far, what can we reasonably deduce?
- Digital technologies are mere communication tools, not instruments for lasting change or even "revolution" as some hype it to be;
- Mob rule with people taking to the streets time and again is still mob rule even when using Twitter etc. to gather. It's inimical to establishing order;
- Hence, exporting these technologies in the belief that it would promote freedom and economic growth is far-fetched. Take Egypt with its resulting reversion to military rule, endless protests and continuous credit downgrades;
- Insofar as we haven't yet left the Westphalian system as far as I can tell, states should be left alone to determine their policies regarding these technologies--just as the United States is busy trying to prosecute WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange for leaking US diplomatic cables;
- Fair is fair: China should be left alone as unpalatable as its policies towards the Internet may be to some white people. National laws regarding non-intervention and non-interference with regard to media--whether they be those of the US or China--still have validity in a bordered world.