A Cautious Personal Update

It's too soon to fire off rockets in the street, because more tests are coming. That said, my last chemotherapy session was Friday, my last radiation session was yesterday, and today the surgeon is removing the annoying rubber feeding hose from my stomach (never used, in case anyone is in need of one). CAT scan from Friday shows no new cancer spread. And so, after seven long months, my little cancer adventure is winding down to a finish. I'll still get scans every three months for a while, but the truly scary and uncomfortable bits are over, and once the radiation fatigue wears off, I'll get back to my old self, albeit thinner with slightly odder looking hair.

My deepest thanks to so many folks for their kind thoughts, cards, letters, emails and prayers. You have no idea how much they have meant to Alice and me as we both struggled through this.

I hope to slowly start traveling again by the end of November, barring any complications, and Alice and I will be speaking together in New York City on December 4th at the 92nd Street Y.

Thanks again, to all you, my friends, for your support. It is greatly appreciated, and I owe each of you more than I can ever hope to repay.

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