POLL: Masonic Grand Lodge Magazine Content

Some interesting results from an online poll asking about the content of a state's grand lodge magazine. I won't post the state as it is not meant as a criticism of the current content or job that the editors are doing. But I think the results are worth noting for any grand lodge publication and what members would find most useful, informative or interesting.

If grand lodges are spending lots of money and editors lots of time creating these publications, it costs just as much and takes just as much time to put out a product members will actually read as one they'll toss after the walk in from the mailbox.

This also comes with the codicil that an editor can only print what is sent to him, and that if members are unhappy with the content of their grand lodge magazines, then start typing.

Answers are listed in descending order of votes cast, not in the order they were originally asked. Respondents could only vote for one answer in each question. 58 votes were cast.

1. What would you like to see MORE of in the Grand Lodge Magazine?

Ritual and symbolism education [34.48%]
How-to articles (lodge management,
building issues, membership retention) [27.59%]
Masonic history [13.79%]
Photos and notices of lodge activities [6.90%]
National and international Masonic news [6.90%]
Masonic book reviews [6.90%]
Interviews with grand officers [3.45%]
Charity news [0.00%]
Spiritual inspiration [0.00%]
Masonic Home stories [0.00%]

2. What would you like to see LESS of in the Grand lodge Magazine?
Interviews with grand officers [24.14%]
Photos and notices of lodge activities [20.69%]
Spiritual inspiration [17.24%]
National and international Masonic news [13.79%]
Masonic Home stories [13.79%]
Charity news [6.90%]
How-to articles (lodge management,
building issues, membership retention) [3.45%]

Ritual and symbolism education [0.00%]
Masonic history [0.00%]
Masonic book reviews [0.00%]

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