I received the following message from Brother Fritz Gisler in Arkansas who is attempting to put together a video history of that state's Grand Lodge for its 175th anniversary. He's looking for funding ideas, and I am unfamiliar with grants and foundations in Arkansas. Perhaps someone there can point him in the right direction. Please feel free to contact him directly.
Hello Brothers--
My name is Fritz Gisler. I am a member of Washington Lodge #1, F&AM in Fayetteville, Arkansas and 32 degree Mason in the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, Fort Smith Valley.
I am also a video producer in Fayetteville, currently working for the City of Fayetteville directing the operations of both its Government Channel and Public Access Channel. While my video and television career spans over 30 years, my Masonic career has just started (I was raised last November).
In 2013 the Grand Lodge of the State of Arkansas will celebrate its 175th Anniversary. I have started the concept and pre-production on a video project that will document the history of Freemasonry in Arkansas. My goal is to have it completed for the installation of the Grand Master of Arkansas to present to him in 2013.
Obviously, with any project of this magnitude support is essential. I would not be able to even conceive of such an undertaking without the full support of my Lodge, the Grand Lodge, other Lodges around the State and other, non-Masonic, organizations. While I have no doubt of my ability to obtain any needed non-monetary support, it is the monetary support I am lacking.
I would greatly appreciate if any have ideas or suggestions of organizations, foundations or other non-profit groups to whom I might apply for grants or other types of funding to help defray production and distribution costs associated with this project.
My goal is to distribute this program to every Lodge in Arkansas, as well as museums, historical societies and other interested parties throughout the State. We also hope to have it telecast on Arkansas Education Television Network, the PBS affiliate in Arkansas.
Thank you in advance for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you.
Fritz Gisler
Washington Lodge #1, F&AM
Fayetteville, Arkansas