GLNF: The List Grows

The Grande Loge Nationale Française continues to lose allies in the wake of its ongoing internal problems. On the heels of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts revoking recognition of the GLNF, and the United Grand Lodge of England ordering its members not to visit GLNF lodges, the Grand Lodge Alpina of Switzerland and the Grand Lodge of Turkey have both made similar announcements this week. That brings the number up to at least ten GLs that have taken official action against them.

The GLNF is supposed to be holding new elections on June 27th under the watchful eye of a Paris court-appointed administrator.

GLNF. Suspension de la reconnaissance par la Grande Loge Suisse Alpina

Now it's Turkey's turn to say "NO" !!!

The rumor that the GL of Minnesota has withdrawn recognition of GLNF as reported on the LML in English website is false. Minnesota learned the hard way about meddling in French Masonic affairs in 2002.

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