WEOFM: "Freemasons & The Greek War of Independence" by Andreas C. Rizopoulos

The 15th video presentation from the Worldwide Exemplification of Freemasonry is now available. This week's program is "Freemasons & The Greek War of Independence" by Andreas C. Rizopoulos, PM. .

Andreas C. Rizopoulos, is a retired journalist and communications consultant. He is Full Member of Quatuor Coronati No. 2076, the Premier Lodge of Research under the United Grand Lodge of England and Fellow of the Scottish Rite Research Society. He belongs to Panathenean No. 146 Lodge in Greece (founder and Past Master) and was Founder-Steward of Internet Lodge No. 9659 in England. He also belongs to the Scottish Rite in Greece and to the Holy Royal Arch, Mark (Past Provincial Grand Standard Bearer), and Royal Ark Mariner (Provincial Royal Ark Mariner Grand Rank) in England. For the past twenty years he has been Grand Representative of two USA Grand Lodges at the Grand Lodge of Greece.

He has authored three books on Freemasonry: Philhellenes and Greek Freemasons in 1821, Greek Masonic Handbook and Freemasonry in the Ionians; plus many historical articles published in Ars Quatuor Coronatorum, Heredom, the Greek Masonic magazine Pythagoras, the Turkish Masonic magazine Mimar Sinan. He has delivered more than a hundred papers in Lodges and general Masonic meetings. He has published novels, poetry, books on literary and medical history, communication, and aviation, and has translated many books into Greek.

The Worldwide Exemplification of Freemasonry 2011 Lecture Series is a free presentation of Masonic education endorsed by the Grand Lodge of Indiana F&AM, beginning January 1, 2011 and running through December 31, 2011.

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