The history of Freemasonry in Louisiana is as colorful and rich as everything else about that incredible region, with influences from France, Spain, England and the Caribbean. In celebration of the bicentennial of the creation of the Grand Consistory of Louisiana, the New Orleans Scottish Rite History & Research Symposium will be held in New Orleans tomorrow through Saturday. Some of the world’s leading scholars and historians will present papers on the history and development of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, as well as high grade Scottish Rite Masonry in New Orleans. It is truly an historic gathering, and if you are in the area, don't miss it!
Speakers include:
• Marc Conrad - 19th Century Louisiana Freemasonry: Divergent Cultures Clash, Converge, and Unite.
• Michael Poll - The Journey to Discovering the History of the Scottish Rite in New Orleans
• Daniel Castoriano - Masonic Documents of Etoile Polaire Lodge
• Michael Tisserand - Degrees of Krazy: the Masonic roots of George Herriman’s comic strip Krazy Kat
• S. Brent Morris - Pre-1801 Lodges of Perfection
• Cliff Porter - 19th Century SR Masonic Baptisms and Marriages
• Michael Carpenter - Chamber of Reflection
• Plus Pete Normand, Wayne E. Sirmon, Timothy Roberts, and Jean Jacques Zambrowski
There will be a walking tour of the French Quarter, an open house at the historic Lodge Etoile Polaire No. 1, and more.
The Masonic Society is a proud sponsor of this event.
This is designed as a public event. No paper or material will be offered or presented in a public setting which should be reserved for Masons only. This conference welcomes the non-Masonic academic community and recognizes the contributions to Masonic history which have been made by non-Masonic academics.
The Symposium will be held at the The Royal Sonesta Hotel, which is conveniently located in the historic French Quarter.
Registration is $125.00 per person, including the banquet and conference events. Registration can be accomplished online, along with hotel reservations, at http://www.neworleansaasr.info