Brother Michael Davey, the Masonic Society's 2nd Circle Chair for the UK-Ireland region sends along this update:

Tickets for the Symposium are £25 including lunch on Saturday and complementary entry to Rosslyn Chapel on Sunday.
Credit or debit card payments may be made via Paypal.
Cheques should be made payable to Mr. Michael Davey and sent to 3 High Street, Stanwick, WELLINGBOROUGH, Northants, NN9 6QA. Please remember to include all your contact details (name/address/postcode/email/telephone).
Click here to download PDF flyer.
The Masonic Society, is an independent, non-profit educational organization serving Freemasonry, and the fastest growing Masonic research society in the world, with members in 17 countries.

A gentle reminder that the UK-Ireland Circle of the Masonic Society will host its 2nd Annual Symposium on Saturday, July 2nd in Edinburgh, Scotland.
We are fortunate to have three excellent speakers this year.• W.Bro. Patrick McCann will be speaking about the Shriner movement in Europe.
• W.Bro. Eddie Alicoon will be taking a lighthearted and informative look at some of the most famous Freemasons.
• W.Bro. Andrew Hammer presents his paper on Observing the Craft - a manifesto for the observant Mason.
The Saturday wraps up with a panel discussion and tour of Hill Street Masonic Centre followed by an informal dinner in the evening (please note dinner is not included in the ticket price). On Sunday there is a private tour of Rosslyn Chapel.
More info and flyer:
Tickets for the Symposium are £25 including lunch on Saturday and complementary entry to Rosslyn Chapel on Sunday.
Credit or debit card payments may be made via Paypal.
Cheques should be made payable to Mr. Michael Davey and sent to 3 High Street, Stanwick, WELLINGBOROUGH, Northants, NN9 6QA. Please remember to include all your contact details (name/address/postcode/email/telephone).
Click here to download PDF flyer.
The Masonic Society, is an independent, non-profit educational organization serving Freemasonry, and the fastest growing Masonic research society in the world, with members in 17 countries.