Most Worshipful Brother William A. Galmeister, Past Grand Master of Masons in Indiana 1990-91, passed to the Celestial Lodge last Saturday, at the age of 86. He was a Past Master of
Lessing Lodge #464 in Evansville. He was an Illustrious 33rd Degree Scottish Rite Mason, a member of the York Rite, and Hadi Shrine. He was a member of the Red Cross of Constantine, Sojourners, Rosicrucians, York Rite College, Royal Order of Scotland, DeMolay Foundation, and Masonic Service Association, along with serving on the Indiana Masonic Home Board of Directors.
Masonic services were held on Thursday, and the funeral was yesterday.
His obituary can be seen here.
His column is broken, and his brethren mourn. R.I.P.