"The Man Who Would be King"

Rooting around on YouTube tonight, I came across the great scene from The Man Who Would be King in which Brother Rudyard Kipling briefly explains Freemasonry.

"Well, let's have a look at your lodge brothers."

The film was released in 1975 and directed by John Huston, starring Sean Connery, Michael Caine and Christopher Plummer.

Any grown man who watches it without breaking down and blubbering at the end has no soul left in him.

The song near the end of the film that Brothers Danny and Peachy sing has the tune of an Irish air called "The Moreen" (that is better known as "The Minstrel Boy" because of an 18th century patriotic Irish lyric written to it), yet the movie substitutes the lyrics of "The Son of God Goes Forth to War" by Reginald Heber.

The Son of God goes forth to war,
a kingly crown to gain;
his blood red banner streams afar:
who follows in his train?
Who best can drink his cup of woe,
triumphant over pain,
who patient bears his cross below,
he follows in his train.

That martyr first, whose eagle eye
could pierce beyond the grave;
who saw his Master in the sky,
and called on him to save.
Like him, with pardon on his tongue,
in midst of mortal pain,
he prayed for them that did the wrong:
who follows in his train?

A glorious band, the chosen few
on whom the Spirit came;
twelve valiant saints, their hope they knew,
and mocked the cross and flame.
They met the tyrant's brandished steel,
the lion's gory mane;
they bowed their heads the death to feel:
who follows in their train?

A noble army, men and boys,
the matron and the maid,
around the Savior's throne rejoice,
in robes of light arrayed.
They climbed the steep ascent of heaven,
through peril, toil and pain;
O God, to us may grace be given,
to follow in their train.

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