Lunch will be served at noon, $10 payable at the door. The meeting and presentation will begin at 1 P.M.
Brother S. Dirk Wiker will have a presentation on “Annapolis Freemasonry”
Freemasonry in Annapolis goes back to at least 1749 and was formally chartered in 1750 by St. John's Grand Lodge of Massachusetts and Provincial Grand Master of North America. Members over the years in Annapolis have included a former apprentice of Benjamin Franklin and Joseph Clark, the architect and builder that designed and built the current Annapolis State House Dome.
S. Dirk Wiker, has been a Master Mason for five years and was raised in Annapolis Lodge No. 89. He is currently the Senior Warden there and is also a member of the Scottish Rite, York Rite, AMD and the Shrine.
There will also be an optional tour of the building at 162 Conduit, home Annapolis Lodge No. 89 since 1888. It is the sole remaining building in the 18th century Mann's Tavern complex.
Please contact the Secretary to confirm your attendance
Inessa M. Mischenko, P.P.
inessa.mischenko @ gmail.com
The Maryland Masonic Research Society is open to anyone with an interest in Freemasonry. Lodges, libraries, and other organizations may also become institutional members. Dues are $25 per year. See their website here.