The Royal Gazette Online in Bermuda has a story today about Freemasonry and a local church on the island.
From "Fire unearths links between church and lodge" by Ira Philip:

From "Fire unearths links between church and lodge" by Ira Philip:

That public-spirited action of the Masons on December 27, 1837 resulted in the church gaining its "lovely, simple, balanced symmetry, to quote from the book “Sandys”, which put St. James with its spiralling steeple and long welcoming aisle in a class by itself among public buildings in Bermuda.
St. James has a fascinating architectural history, being the oldest public building in the parish, with the original edifice built in 1653. Likewise Prince Alfred Lodge is steeped in history. In fact, the divine service on Saturday marked the 200th anniversary year of the founding of the lodge which was in 1801. Originally the Master of Prince Alfred, Wor. Bro. Allan T. Robinson, and his brethren had planned to make a spectacle of the dual commemorations, with a parade to St. James from West End School, led by the Somerset Brigade Band. Rarely are English Masons in full regalia allowed to parade in public. A special dispensation permitting it was granted by their Grand Lodge in England.