Canadian Intelligence: al-Qaeda vs. Freemasonry

A brief article in the conservative Toronto-based National Post reveals a Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) report concerning Islamic extremists and their view of Freemasonry.

From "Islamist extremists view Freemasons as the enemy: report" by Stewart Bell:

As if it wasn’t enough that they want to blow up all the “Crusaders” and “Zionists,” now al-Qaeda has apparently chosen a new target: Freemasons.

A “secret” Canadian intelligence study newly-released to the National Post describes how Islamist conspiracy theorists have seen the enemy and it is Freemasonry.

“Islamist extremists and the Freemasons” is the actual title of a Canadian Security Intelligence Service intelligence assessment distributed in December 2009.

It says extremist ideologues have taken Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code and the Nicholas Cage film National Treasure as evidence of a conspiracy against Islam.

They have been telling youths that Freemasons are: anti-Muslim; have close ties to Israel; and have been conducting secret paramilitary operations in Europe.

H/T to Mike Bayrak.

The National Post put up the text of the CSIS report a little later in the day.
See it here.

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