Never mind that part of the story, because it's not the loony bit. Mr. Paul Makucha is in court now involved in a lawsuit over his scheme (the municipal water supply company is named Sydney Water, and the dispute is over who owns the name once you get out of the city limits, along with improper payments to him). Last week, he attempted to have the Supreme Court judge removed from the case.
Makucha seems to feel the judge is disqualified because he refuses to state for the record whether he is Jewish or a Freemason.
From the Sydney Morning Herald:
Paul Makucha is being sued by Sydney Water Corporation for $293,000 it says was incorrectly paid to him and his various companies in a scheme concocted by Mr Makucha and a former senior executive, Edward Harvey.
Mr Makucha claims he owns the intellectual property for the marketing and selling of bottled water under the name Sydney Water because the trademark did not extend that far. He told the court intellectual property was not recognised under Jewish law and requested ''that any judge that is Jewish … not hear this case because they may be influenced by religious beliefs regarding intellectual property''.
He also said the [New South Wales] Treasurer, Eric Roozendaal, one of the two shareholding ministers in Sydney Water, had used Masonic code in a picture published in the Herald in January because his ''eyes were looking up - that's an imitation of Jesus - it's a Masonic code''.
''I'm terrified of the Freemasons'' because ''they must conceal the crimes of their brother Masons'', Mr Makucha said.
Justice John Sackar refused to answer if he was Jewish or a Freemason and said he would not stand down from the case.
Eyes looking up, an imitation of Jesus and a Masonic code? Eye rolling? If so, every teenager and exasperated spouse I know is a Christlike Freemason.