I'm still catching up on some stories from last month that fell between the stacks of stuff that clutter my desk like largish cluttering things.
Each year in January, the Grand Commandery of Knights Templar in Indiana celebrates the Newby-Avery Banquet, to raise money for the permanent fund of the Grand Commandery, and to honor Sir Knights who have labored for the benefit of the Order. This past January 8th, the 113th annual banquet was held, with representatives of Indiana's Templars, as well as visiting officers of the Grand Encampment of the USA.
The event is named for the two Indiana Sir Knights who have served as Most Eminent Grand Masters of the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the United States, Sir Knight Leonidas Perry Newby (1922-25), and Sir Knight Willard Meredith Avery (1976-79). Sir Knight Avery is still very much alive and turned 104 this month.
The Newby-Avery Fellowship and Chair is a way for Commanderies, Sir Knights, or Ladies of deceased Sir Knights to support the future financial viability of the Grand Commandery of Indiana. Contributions to the Permanent Fund of the Grand Commandery of $250.00 or more receive the designation of a Newby-Avery Fellow, or if donated by a Commandery, a Newby-Avery Chair. All monies are put into the permanent fund and only interest may be withdrawn.
A certificate and a lapel pin or plaque is awarded for the initial $250.00 contribution. Fellows and Chairs are also invited to the annual Newby-Avery Banquet. This year, the Newby-Avery contributions totaled $5,000, including eight new Fellows, and one Newby-Avery Chair sponsored by Kokomo Commandery No. 36.

When conferred, it is explained that it does not mean that your work is done, but that it also stands for the work you are expected to do in future for the Knights Templar, as well.

My friend and Brother Carson (above) has been an enthusiastic supporter of the Knights Templar ever since joining the fraternity. In four years, he has personally signed the petitions of more than 100 Knights Templar in the state of Indiana, and holds life memberships in six Indiana commanderies (and three blue lodges, as well). He is a Past Eminent Commander of Raper Commandery No. 1. Carson travels anywhere he is asked to assist in conferring the orders, participates in drill teams, and is a founding member of Levent Preceptory, Indiana's medieval recreation Templar degree team. I can think of no more tireless worker for Templary anywhere.
Sir Knight David Goodwin, Right Eminent Deputy Grand Master of the Grand Encampment, was also on hand to present a $40,000 grant to Indiana University on behalf of the Knights Templar Eye Foundation.
If you are an Indiana Templar and interested in supporting the Grand Commandery by becoming a Newby-Avery Fellow, or by your Commandery sponsoring a Chair, send your contribution payable to the Grand Commandery of Indiana, to Grand Recorder Lawrence V. Kaminsky, P.O. Box 1690, Highland, Indiana 46322-1690.