The Symposium is the highlight of The Masonic Society's yearly activities in the UK and Ireland region and the call for papers enables the Masonic Research community to tell us what everyone should be hearing about.
23rd January 2011 - call for papers opens
28th February 2011 - deadline for submission of abstracts (midnight GMT)
28th February - 7th March 2011 - candidate speakers chosen and contacted
28th March 2011 - deadline for papers (midnight GMT)
28th March - 11th April 2011 - final speakers chosen and contacted
11th April 2011 - Speakers and talks announced
The location and date of the symposium will be announced on or before 11th April 2011.
Interested in giving a talk?
Submit your talk proposal to Michael Davey now. If you would like to see a particular speaker, please let us know or direct them to Brother Davey.
What are we looking for?
We are looking for talks on any non-basic aspect of Freemasonry, be it mainstream, advanced, niche, esoteric, scientific or natural. Talks should be fresh, inspiring and about the cutting edge, emerging themes or new perspectives within Freemasonry. Ideally talks should have a strong original research component but talks without this component but which are appropriately entertaining will also be considered. Speakers should consider that the audience is likely to represent a very broad cross-section of the Fraternity and may include interested guests that are not Freemasons.
Most of all, we want speakers who have a deep knowledge of the topics they are proposing, are energetic and enthusiastic about their topic and want to share that knowledge with the community. Tell us what you are most passionate about and why we should be passionate about it too.
What's in it for you?
You get to present to a friendly audience who is keen to listen to and learn about everything you have to impart. It is also a great way to give back to the community, to develop your own speaking skills, develop friendships and meet other academics, researchers and lecturers. In addition, we are pleased to be able to offer a benefits package including:
invitation to the complimentary speakers' dinner complimentary lunch on the day.
We may be able to provide a hardship fund to cover reasonable travel and accomodation expenses for speakers that otherwise would not be able to attend. Please indicate if you would likely need to access this fund when you submit your talk proposal.
What is the format of the talk?
All speaker sessions are 55 minutes long including 10-15 minutes for questions. You'll present at the front of the room using a laptop, projector and screen and will have a microphone so the whole audience can hear you. Water will be provided and the chairperson will help you start and stop on time, direct questions from the audience and help you with anything else you need on the day.
You may also be invited to take part in a panel discussion towards the end of the day.
How to contact us
By email to: michael.davey@coderage.org
Speakers, please include an abstract of your proposed talk and your location.
If you would like to suggest a speaker, please include appropriate contact details for them and specify whether or not you have suggested to them that they speak at the Symposium.
Michael Davey
TMS 2nd Circle Chair, UK-Ireland region
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