The M:.W:. Grand Master of Texas, T. E. “Gene” Carnes has issued an edict reaffirming the Grand Lodge of Texas AF&AM's prohibition of membership in the Widow's Sons Masonic motorcycle group.
It reads as follows:
January 6, 2011
To the Masons of Texas:
Grand Master’s Edict
I have been advised that some Texas Masons presently belong to an organization operating under the name of “Widows Sons Masonic Motorcycle Riders Association”. At the 2007 Grand Annual Communication this organization was denied recognition as an organization to which Texas Masons could belong.
Texas Masons are not permitted to belong to, or be identified with, the organization known as “Widows Sons Masonic Motorcycle Riders Association” unless and until such organization is recognized by the Grand Lodge of Texas, and to do so constitutes a Masonic Disciplinary Violation. This Edict is effective immediately. Acts contrary to this edict will result in Masonic Disciplinary action against the violator.
This edict is issued to enforce the 2007 decision of the Grand Lodge of Texas concerning the “Widows Sons Masonic Motorcycle Riders Association”.
Sincerely and fraternally,
T. E. “Gene” Carnes
Grand Master of Masons in Texas
It is also my understanding that the Grand Master of Indiana has recently recommended changes to the bylaws of the Indiana Grand Chapter of the Widow's Sons, as well as raising concerns about the Grand Chapter's members becoming affiliated with other, less reputable motorcycle groups. Several other state GLs have also expressed similar reservations about the Widow's Sons. Tennessee, for instance, has an objection to the Widow's Sons vest and patches being worn in establishments where alcohol is served.