Massachusetts Traveling Man Masonic Passport

Massachusetts Masons have created a program to encourage brethren to visit other lodges. The Traveling Man Masonic Passport is a great way to keep a personal record of your lodge travels. The passport has blanks that are signed and dated by the visited lodge Master and Secretary, and then embossed with the lodge's seal.

In addition, there is an online component to the program. After registering your passport on the website, you return to the site to report your visits. When you travel to 3, 5 & 7 different lodges you will be awarded a Certificate of Recognition, presented to you in your Mother lodge. When you have traveled to 9 different lodges, you will be awarded a custom "Franklin Key" lapel pin.

UPDATE in 2016:

If you stumbled across this post while searching for the online portion of the passport program, it has unfortunately ended. I received the following message:

The Masonic Passport not operating any longer.

The best I can gather is that it was last operational in mid-2013:

This project seems to have originally been put together by a volunteer group from an education and training seminar we run annually called the Masonic Leadership Institute (or M.L.I.).

I vaguely recall our Grand Lodge Membership Committee being in charge of some iteration of this program as an engagement/retention initiative when it started, but it's not clear to me when that stopped.

We still encourage our members to visit other lodges and get to meet the brethren in the jurisdiction. The online portion of this program is no longer operational.


Bro. Christopher D. Rooney
Associate Director
Communications & Development
Grand Lodge of Masons of Massachusetts

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