And so those wary of the (foreign exchange) market's corrective ability now envision another 1985 Plaza Accord-style agreement hammered out in the eponymous hotel pictured above. Whereas that deal involved the US and major trading partners Germany and Japan, the surplus-running countries are now more plentiful. There would be many more places at the negotiation table circa late 2010. And, instead of weakening an overly strong dollar, the objective many participants will likely have in today's world economy is a stable dollar that isn't going to get routed as to preempt the need for masive intervention now going on. From the Financial Times:
The world’s leading countries should agree a new currency pact to help rebalance the global economy, a leading association of financial institutions has urged. The Institute of International Finance, which represents more than 420 of the world’s leading banks and finance houses, warned on Monday that a lack of such co-ordinated rebalancing could lead to more protectionism. Charles Dallara, IIF managing director, said: “A core group of the world’s leading economies need to come together and hammer out an understanding...”You needn't ask me who the villainous economolesters are in this story.
Mr Dallara, who as a US official worked on the 1985 Plaza Accord which co-ordinated international action to strengthen the yen against the dollar, called for a more sophisticated updated version of such an agreement. This should include stronger commitments to medium-term fiscal stringency in the US and structural reform in Europe. “Exchange rate understandings are of little use on their own,” he said.
The institute also released its latest forecasts for net flows of capital to emerging markets, which showed a sharp upwards revision for 2010, with the previous estimate of $709bn rising to $825bn. The institute said that ultra-low monetary policy in rich countries was rapidly driving money into emerging markets in search of yield, risking destabilisation. “There is an environment of unilateralism and bilateralism, laced with contributions of isolationism and parochialism,” Mr Dallara said.
On Monday Robert Zoellick, World Bank president, said while a currency war was unlikely, “there are clearly going to be tensions” over the matter.