Pushback in France Over Grand Orient

French reporter Francois Koch has a blog dedicated strictly to Masonic stories for L'Express magazine, in which he has been posting news stories about the internecine battles raging in both the Grande Loge National Français, as well as the September decision to allow women to join lodges in the Grand Orient de France (the largest grand lodge in France, considered irregular and unrecognized by US, Canadian, and UK GLs). As was to be expected, the faction seeking to remain a male-only fraternity has reared its head in protest.

From September 27th (my translation):

GODF: an offensive against "Coeducation"
by Francois Koch

The Union for a Male Grand Orient of France (UGODFM) has launched an offensive against decisions taken by the 2010 Convention on September 2, particularly those that amended Article 76 of the General Regulations stating that admission to the GODF must disregard the candidate's sex.

The "mono-gender brothers" are strongly encouraged by the UGODFM to file an appeal with the Supreme Chamber of Masonic Justice (CSJM) with the aim of overturning the decisions of the Convent ... as had been obtained against the votes of Convention 2009, on the same topic (see attached document).

Main arguments are detailed in a memorandum distributed to brothers supporting the UGODFM so they can use it to approach the CSJM:

1. The lodges should have been consulted before the delegates of lodges could vote, because these are decisions "of Masonic interest".

2. The decision to amend the General Regulations on non-discrimination vis-à-vis women should be confirmed at the Convent in 2012 before having the force of common law.

The entry of women into the GODF has not ended the flowing ink ... and is causing heated debates in the temples.

Subsequent checking of the website for the UGODFM at www.ugodfm.com reveals it to actually be the Union for a Masonic Grand Orient of France, and not "Union for a Male Grand Orient of France" as Koch reported.

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