New Jersey brethren, led by Grand Master Joseph H. Rival Jr., dedicated the cornerstone of Trinity Episcopal Church in Cranford, New Jersey on Sunday, September 19th.
From Freemasons Dedicate Trinity Episcopal Church Cornerstone:
Before laying the new 2010 cornerstone in place, officials also situated a time capsule behind the stone containing, among other items, photos of the church throughout the 20th century, newspaper clippings of articles focusing on the church, a 1922 silver dollar and a set of New Jersey state quarters minted in 1999.
Presided over by the New Jersey Grand Master Joseph H. Rival Jr., a symbolic freemason ritual then took place. The freemasons tested the strength of the stone with various masonry tools. Corn was then spread over the stone to represent nourishment and wine to represent refreshment. Finally, members poured a small amount of oil over the stone, symbolizing peace and joy.
With the cornerstone in place, the final steps of the renovation will roll out in the fall. Church officials expect that the pews, pulpit and lectern will be installed in the next two weeks. These pieces will be stained a chestnut color to match the interior of the church. A week later, an air conditioner system will grace the sanctuary.
On the three rooftop spires, three celtic crosses will be erected in early October, and treads will be placed on stairways in the preceding weeks.