Texas Lodge Looking For Furniture

Brother Fred Milliken who writes on the FreemasonInformation.com site has posted a message looking for lodge furniture. His Dallas, Texas lodge, Pride of Mt. Pisgah Lodge #135, PHA, is moving into a new building, and needs to aquire an altar, East, West and South stations and chairs, the three lesser lights, chairs and/or benches for the rest of the officers and the sidelines members and rods for the deacons and stewards.

From his message:

My thoughts turned to an article I wrote not too long ago where Paul Dean Lodge AF & AM of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts merged with Paul Revere Lodge, sold its building and donated all its furniture to the Lodges of Bangor, Maine who were rebuilding after a fire completely destroyed all that they had. A delegation from Paul Dean participated in the rededication ceremony of Bangor’s new quarters and was lauded before the entire group. What a great story!


Could there be another Lodge somewhere in the U.S.A. who is also turning in its charter or merging and has furniture that they no longer have a use for? Or as a Brother and friend of mine suggested:

What about commissioning some of it from currently skilled people, some might even be retired and do it as a labor of love for cost. What an opportunity ! ” This Worhipful Master’s Chair designed, carved and assembled by ________________ for the benefit of the lodge and the good of the Craft. AL 6010 “

So if you are reading this and can be of help please get in contact. It looks like the Lodge building will be raised at the beginning of the New Year and by spring we should have the inside completed. The Master says we are probably going to be able to beat that schedule and have it completed earlier.

Pride of Mt. Pisgah Lodge No. 135 is chartered by the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Texas F&AM.

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