New information on an enduring Masonic controversy involving Prince Charles Edward Stuart (1720-1788) of Scotland will be presented in a lecture by noted Masonic researcher Dr. Marsha Keith Schuchard, on Thursday evening, August 19, at the Atlanta Masonic Center. The presentation is sponsored by Atlanta Peachtree Lodge #59, F.& A.M. It is free and open to the public. The lecture begins at 7:00 p.m. The Atlanta Masonic Center is located at 1690 Peachtree Street, NW
RSVP at http://bonnieprincecharlie.eventbrite.com/
Dr. Schuchard, who was formerly on the faculty of Emory University in Atlanta, is the author of several books on aspects of Masonic history. Her recent research findings contradict claims of English Grand Lodge historians that "Bonnie Prince Charlie" as Stuart was known, was never a Mason at all. Archival evidence unearthed in Sweden by Dr. Schuchard reinforces Scottish claims that the Prince was, indeed, a Mason and was a secret Grand Master of the Templars for more than twenty years.
Dr. Schuchard will present the details of her findings and take questions from the audience. She is the author of "Restoring the Temple of Vision: Cabalistic Freemasonry and Stuart Culture." She has has published extensively on eighteenth-century Cabalistic and “illuminist” Freemasonry and its influence on Swift, Ramsay, Swedenborg, and Blake.