I regularly tell anyone who will listen that I consider myself one of the luckiest guys in Freemasonry, to be given the opportunity to travel and speak to brethren literally all around the world. On occasion, I get to be in the company of men whose works influenced my own writing and thoughts, and I find myself truly humbled. It just so happens I get to do it twice in one week this month. Monday. I'll be at Maggie Valley, NC for their York Rite gathering. Alice, Wiley and I drive home Tuesday, and I fly out Thursday for the Rocky Mountain Masonic Conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico, July 15-17th, 2010.
The hotel is the Albuquerque Marriott Pyramid North.
This annual event stresses what is positive and working in its member jurisdictions, a philosophy that is reinforced by the program's scheduled presentations. Regardless of the grand officers who may be in attendance, no lavish bling is allowed, dress is strictly casual, and the object is to share ideas. Guest speakers scheduled are Art de Hoyos, Neil Neddermeyer (PGM of Minnesota, and now North Dakota's Grand Orator), Arizona PGM Rex Hutchens, and myself.
Many thanks to Nate Calloway (and his sister Heather) for extending the kind invitation.
Rex and I will be easy to spot. We'll be out behind the hotel smacking each other with copies of The Lost Symbol.