Bro. Colin Peterson has been appointed Senior Warden and WBro. Chris Kimmel has been appointed Junior Warden.
Congratulations to Nathan and his officers!
Nathan has set up a new Facebook page here for updates about upcoming activities.

Dwight L. Smith was a Past Grand Master and Past Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Indiana, well-known for his longtime position as editor of the Indiana Freemason magazine, and his history of Indiana Freemasonry, Goodly Heritage.
The occasional publication of papers called Perlustrations occurs when enough papers are submitted to warrant printing. The first edition was published in 2002.
Nathan is a Past Master (2002) of Broad Ripple Lodge No. 643 in Indianapolis. He is the Secretary of Lodge Vitruvian No. 767; Secretary of the Indianapolis Masonic Temple Association; Secretary/Treasurer of the Masonic Society; and the Deputy Master of the Adoniram Lodge of Perfection Indianapolis Valley A&ASR.
Yeah, he has a full-time job, too.

The occasional publication of papers called Perlustrations occurs when enough papers are submitted to warrant printing. The first edition was published in 2002.
Nathan is a Past Master (2002) of Broad Ripple Lodge No. 643 in Indianapolis. He is the Secretary of Lodge Vitruvian No. 767; Secretary of the Indianapolis Masonic Temple Association; Secretary/Treasurer of the Masonic Society; and the Deputy Master of the Adoniram Lodge of Perfection Indianapolis Valley A&ASR.
Yeah, he has a full-time job, too.