Issue #9, Summer 2010 of the Journal of the Masonic Society is in the tender clutches of the postal system and should start appearing in mailboxes next week. The standard disclaimers and snide commentary about the mail system apply.
News of the Society Conferences, Speeches, Symposia & Gatherings
Masonic News
From the Editor - Tooting Masonry's Vuvuzela
Books, Arts, Styles & Manners
• The Art of Manliness: Classic Skills and Manners For The Modern Man by Brett and Kate McKay
• Haunted Chambers—The Lives of Early Women Freemasons by Karen Kidd
• Hidden Wisdom: A Guide to the Western Inner Traditions by Richard Smoley and Jay Kinney
• Old Masters Scotch WhiskyFeatures and Reports
• The Way Less Traveled by Stephen M. Osborn
• A possible Cabalistic explanation for the “Point within a Circle” by Leon Zeldis
• Down the Path of Proper Research by Michael R. Poll • Our Esoteric Odyssey: How We Resurrected a Long-Lost, 220-Year Old Masonic Oddity by Randy Williams and Stephen Dafoe
• A Trip to Cuba: One Man’s View of a Masonic Journey by Gerald Connally
• Laissez les bons temps rouler at Etoile Polaire Lodge No. 1 by Marc H. Conrad
• Masonry in the Mountains: 2010 Masonic Spring Workshop in Kananaskis, Alberta by Randy Williams • Alchemy and the First Degree of Freemasonry by Donald J. Tansey
• Hallowed Halls by Jason E. Marshall
• The George Washington Masonic Memorial Freemasons’ White House Stones Exhibit by Mark A. Tabbert
• Cryptic Council of Research by Jonathan HorvathMasonic Treasures: Mendocino Lodge No. 179; 1868 Past Master Jewel
This issue’s cover features “Silence,” one of the first commissions for famed Beaux-Arts sculptor Augustus Saint-Gaudens (1848-1907). The statue was moved in 1922 from the Grand Lodge of New York’s headquarters to the Tompkins Chapel at the Masonic Care Community in Utica, NY. Saint-Gaudens sculpted many Civil War monuments, founded the Cornish Art Colony in New Hampshire, and later designed the twenty-dollar “double eagle” gold piece for the U.S. Mint in 1905. Photo by Christopher L. Hodapp