Killington Grand Summit Resort
I had a fantastic experience last week, traveling to address the brethren at the Grand Lodge of Vermont F&AM at their annual communication in the mountain resort town of Killington on Wednesday. Then Thursday, I flew to Grand Forks, North Dakota to speak to the Masonic College of the Grand Lodge of North Dakota AF&AM on Friday.

Grand Forks Masonic Center
Many thanks to Most Worshipful Grand Masters Thomas Johnson, Jr. of Vermont and Michael R. Bakken of North Dakota, and to their officers for their kind invitations, their warm hospitality, and for making this trip work out logistically. Congratulations to both of these fine men for a great year (Tom is starting his second year term in Vermont, while Mike has been succeeded by Most Worshipful Brian Burkett for 2010-11).
Most of all, my deepest gratitude goes to all of the brethren who were so welcoming to me. I remain the luckiest guy in this fraternity to be able to travel and meet so many Masons all over the country, and I appreciate your kindness and friendship.