Myself and RW John "Bo" Cline at the Grand Lodge of Alaska last year.
I would like to introduce our new 2nd Vice President, MWBro. John R. "Bo" Cline. MWBro. Cline is a Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Alaska and comes to us with an energy, skill and dedication that perfectly fits the bill for TMS. In a world where electronic communication is key, Bro. Bo, is right on the mark with the vision of TMS and our programs. He is already joining in the party with helping in our planning and organizational development.
A sincere thank you also goes to our retiring 2nd Vice President, WBro. Fred Kleyn. Bro. Kleyn provided a great service to TMS with his work last year on our by-laws and providing exposure for TMS in California. Bro. Kleyn submitted his resignation this past Saturday due to prior commitments and duties which did not provide him enough time for the duties of a TMS VP. We deeply thank Bro. Kleyn for his service and wish him all the best in his future endeavors.
The Masonic Society continues to grow and evolve in a decisive and positive manner. The other day I was at a Masonic gathering and was talking with someone about TMS. The brother asked how many years we have been around. When I told him that we are a little over 2 years old, his eyes opened almost as wide as plates. He said that he had no idea, that he thought we were one of those "classic old societies" that have been around forever. We have become known. We have become the standard by which others are judged. But, this did not happen by the action or inaction of others. It has been by the hard work, dedication, foresight and determination of TMS. No one should doubt the resolve we have in making TMS into the best that it can be. No one should doubt that we will continue to evolve, define and refine ourselves.
There will be more announcements in the near future as I am absolutely determined to keep the progressive momentum going. We will continue to provide the very best for our membership and be the type of society envisioned when TMS was created.
My Brothers, wonderful things are happening!