Michael Baigent and Bob Cooper To Speak at Masonic Society Symposium London Friday 28th and Saturday 29th May 2010
To celebrate the 350th anniversary of the Royal Society in 2010, The Masonic Society, in conjunction with Library and Museum of Freemasonry, will hold their 1st Annual Uk –Ireland Symposium in London on Friday and Saturday May 28th and 29th.
On November 28th 1660, just months after the restoration of King Charles II, a select group of eminent scientist met to form ‘The Royal Society’. Their intention was to remove such limitations as language barriers in the scientific community and awaken the world to a new form of forward thinking science. This was meant to encourage the young men of the time to search for answers to many questions they had previously been afraid to ask.

This first Symposium being held in England will have as its theme ‘The Royal Society’. The two selected speakers are well known historians: Michael Baigent (The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail, The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception ) will present ‘Aspects of the Royal Society’ followed by questions and answers and a complimentary lunch.
The second speaker Robert L D Cooper (The Masonic Magician: The Life and Death of Count Cagliostro and His Egyptian Rite , The Rosslyn Hoax ) will talk on ‘A Scottish View of the Foundation of the Royal Society’.
The afternoon will end with a second session of questions and answers. The whole day symposium will be preceded on the Friday by a private guided tour of their exhibition ‘Freemasons and the Royal Society’ (meet in the first floor lounge Freemasons Hall 4:00pm). This will be the last date of the exhibition which is being held between January 11th and May 28th 2010.
The evening will end with an informal dinner and drinks at the popular Prince of Wales tavern on the corner of Great Queen Street.
The following day the symposium will move to the Kensal Community Centre (177 Kensal Road London W10 5BJ) where our talks for the day will be presented, and each session followed by questions and answers. Delegates will be invited to a complimentary lunch. The total registration cost for the Saturday event is £ 10.00 inclusive of lunch. The organising committee consists of Yasha Beresiner (Chairman) David Naughton-Shires (Secretary) and Martyn Greene (Treasurer)
A place at the symposium can be booked by downloading the application form at http://masonic-ae.com/tms/