From today's PNJ News website:
The former Pensacola Scottish Rite Center was in the historic Perry House, once home of Edward A. Perry, the 14th governor of Florida and Confederate general. In 2007, the property was sold to the adjacent First United Methodist Church.
The Pensacola Scottish Rite will dedicate its new facility, the Pensacola Masonic Center, at 8 a.m. Saturday.
The Pensacola Masonic Center is at 189 W. Airport Blvd. It replaces the organization's former headquarters on Wright Street, an 1867 Greek Revival structure that the group sold in 2007. The Pensacola Scottish Rite has been operating out of a temporary office near its new Airport Boulevard location.
Leading the dedication ceremonies will be Ronald A. Seale, a 33rd degree Mason who is Sovereign Grand Commander of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction, based in Washington D.C. Assisting him is Dale I. Goehrig, a 33rd degree Mason who is Deputy in the Orient of Florida and current Most Worshipful Grand Master of Masons of Florida.
The event is open to the public.