Brothers Mark Tabbert and Cliff Porter will be on Masonic Central tonight—Sunday, March 7th—discussing the Masonic Restoration Foundation and Traditional Observance Masonry. Both men are on the board of the MRF and they will have some exciting news to share.
From the show's description:
The MRF provides education and training to individuals, lodges and Grand Lodges on ways to establish quality programs, academic excellence and social relevance in their Masonic communities. As American Freemasonry faces some of the most important challenges in its history, the MRF stands to ensure a sense of purpose and identity for the Craft. Joining us this week on Masonic Central to talk about the MRF, Traditional Observance Lodges (TO), and the European Concept Lodge (EC) are Mark Allen Tabbert and Cliff Porter, both of whom are active Board members of the Masonic Restoration Foundation. What exactly is a EC lodge? Are TO lodges the wave of the future? How do I start the conversation on forming a TO lodge? Listen in and ask the questions with us as we explore the TO and EC lodge archetypes with the Board of the Masonic Restoration Foundation.
Tune in at 9PM tonight : click here.