
Been Invited to an Academic Conference...in Iran

Having been in academic circles for some time now, I regularly receive calls for (academic) papers. While it's always an honour to be invited to prestigious academic institutions hosting conferences--you know which those are--I am also chuffed by those from unusual places. For instance, I keep receiving invitations to present at an IT event organized by Venezuelan academics for some reason. Now, I have just received one to present on multiculturalism in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Alike with IT, I have indeed done work concerning the economic aspects of multiculturalism, but still, this is something of a stretch. Obviously being from the Global South, I may appear to be an ideal speaker on these topics. Like the brothers Castro or Hugo Chavez himself, I may have a budding future career in populismo and third world solidarity!

Before I get carried away, it should first investigate if the department will fund a trip to Iran to attend the "International Conference on Multiculturalism and Global Community." It certainly looks legitimate in that it's sponsored by UNESCO (UN Education, Scientific, and Cultural Organization) Iran. If you don't believe me, have a look for yourselves -

Scientific Board of the International Conference on Multiculturalism and Global Community invites abstract submission on the themes below:

Culture: Diversity or Integrity

1. Multiculturalism and Global Peace
2. Asia: Diversity or Unity in Cultures
3. Intercultural Dialogue: Approaches and Outcomes
4. Media, Communication and Common Good
5. Globalization, Religion and Common Good

Islam: New Challenges, New Perspectives

1. Islam and the Crisis of Modern Man
2. Islam and Other Faiths: Truth or Salvation
3. Islam and Woman: Rights and Commitments
4. Islam: Traditionalism or Modernism
5. Islam and Revivalism: Needs and Necessities
6. Islam: Spirituality, Morality and Jurisprudence

Iran: Realities and Appearances

1. Iran, Religious State and International Challenges
2. Iran and the Middle East
3. Iran and New Generation: Gap or Conflict
4. Iran and International Society: Contraction or Expansion
5. Cultures and Religions in Iran: Heterogeneous or Homogeneous Society

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