Most of you are by now familiar with the concept of philanthrocapitalism which claims that it is possible for firms to do good by giving more equitable weighting to economic, social, and environmental concerns. I have done and continue to do work in this general space. See, for instance, my older work on remittance technologies. While it's obviously coming more from business and management studies that from development and IPE, the concepts involved touch on aspects key to either group of disciplines. In business and management, it's an extension of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and of internationalizing markets to pursue "the fortune at the bottom of the economic pyramid"--largely untapped markets in the developing world where we can find discerning consumers in their own right.
Meanwhile, for IPE, it's fodder for the age-old question of the role of multinational corporations: are they agents of exploitative hegemonic regimes concentrated primarily in the world's metropoles, or are they agents of modernity bringing beneficial technological advances to other parts of the world? This concept is also gaining traction in development studies. Those who believe aid is not enough believe bringing free market practices to bear on development questions could result in significant gains in poverty alleviation. OTOH, there are those who think that social aims are largely incompatible with philanthrocapitalism.
For various reasons, I have a fundamental dislike of the term philanthrocapitalism: (1) it is a mouthful; (2) it conflates philanthropy with capitalism; (3) and there are far better terms out there. Aside from the bottom of the pyramid moniker, the UN calls it growing inclusive markets. At any rate, this burgeoning field has invited much debate--even from those consider themselves as proponents or detractors of the general idea. See, for instance, Bill Gates and William Easterly who both do not deny the role of the private sector in development but engage in healthy combat anyway.

While I ultimately side with the idea that doing well by doing good is possible, I believe that Bishop's treatment of the subject matter is shallower than that of Edwards. The former enlists a huge dollop of celebrity culture in trying to get his point across, while the latter draws on more social science literature outside of the field of business and management to paint a more nuanced picture of the challenges facing firms that intend to serve the proverbial bottom of the pyramid. As I am a big fan of interdisciplinary research, it's the latter approach that appeals to me. Being allergic to sweeping claims, I too am obviously put off by the "save the world" subtitle. Nevertheless, I think there are good points made by both sides that can be built on to come up with a synthesis of good ideas going forward. It's a worthwhile debate about the future of capitalism during a time when an ever-increasing share of economic activity will occur in places previously untouched by marketers of yore. If this activity can be harnessed to bolster development, then I'm all for it--even if business won't save the world.