Pete's paper was on the formation and growth of Traditional Observance, European Concept, and other so-called traditional practices lodges. These types of lodges follow to one extent or another the "Seven Principles of Traditional Freemasonry" as enumerated by Worshipful Brother John Mauk Hilliard, Past Master of Independent Royal Arch Lodge No. 2, New York Constitution: Ritual excellence, education, festive board or table lodge, charitable outreach, elegance of dress, selectivity and exclusivity, and a strong demand of commitment by its members. St. Alban's was founded in 1992, and was arguably the first U.S. lodge to be established using these guidelines.
The Blue Friars were formed in 1932 to recognize Masonic authors. There are currently twenty-two members.
Blue Friars' Grand Abbot S. Brent Morris was unfortunately absent from the entire weekend, including a dinner address to the Rosicrucians, the Scottish Rite Research Society lunch, and the Blue Friars, all owing to his inability to dig his way out of the nearly four feet of snow filling his driveway.