I'm back home from the Houston, Texas city-wide table lodge, hosted by Gray Lodge No. 329 and Jacques DeMolay Lodge No. 1390 on Friday evening. More than 110 brethren came out to Arabia Shrine Center for a fantastic evening of food and fellowship.
Thursday evening, I had the chance to attend the Houston Scottish Rite stated meeting and meet many brethren there, as well. Following that meeting was the gathering of the Diogenes Club at the Downing Street Pub Cigar Bar. I have been in the fine company of the newest Blue Friar, Brother Pete Normand, more in the last three weeks than in all of my life combined.
Many, many thanks to everyone who made this such a memorable couple of days, most especially to Brother Roberto Sanchez, whose hospitality was boundless, and who took me at my word when I said my priority on these trips is to be overfed. He was absolutely the perfect host. My deepest gratitude to WBros. Tony Bass and Darrin Pitts, Masters of Jacques DeMolay and Gray Lodges for making me a part of their evening. And thanks to everyone who attended Friday for making the evening such a memorable success.
(Photo by David Fernandez III)