Also featured are portions of Mark Tabbert's American Freemasons, and articles by Art De Hoyos, Simon Cox, Mitch Horowitz, Michael Parkes, and more.
From the US News website:
In The Lost Symbol, Dan Brown's blockbuster sequel to The Da Vinci Code, world-famous symbologist Robert Langdon once again finds himself in the midst of murder and mayhem—this time in the heart of the nation's capital in Washington, D.C.
This unauthorized guide to the novel, by the editors of the best-selling Secrets of the Da Vinci Code, unravels all the history and mysteries of the novel from the codes, secrets and unseen truths to the mystical rituals and hidden past of the Masons, the secret society whose clandestine world is at the heart of Brown's lurid tale.
This special collector's edition from U.S. News & World Report includes:
- The hidden Masonic connections behind many of Washington's most famous buildings.
- An inside look at America's most famous Masons, including Presidents George Washington, Andrew Jackson, Teddy Roosevelt and Harry Truman.
- The real story behind the Ancient Mysteries and the Bible that are the key to understanding the novel.
- In-depth coverage of the many mysterious and esoteric Masonic symbols, from the double-headed Phoenix to the Akedah Knife.
- The true story of the CIA's Kryptos sculpture, whose code has confounded even the super-sleuths at the Agency.
Starting to show up in bookstores now, or available online.