(I am taking the liberty of quoting this entire post from Neil Neddermeyer's e-mail newsletter, Cinosam that just arrived today. Sign up for Neil's informative postings by visiting the Cinosam website here.)

Sgt. Munley has had two surgeries, but she has survived a shot in the hand and two in her thighs, and without her brave actions, the Ft. Hood shootings would have been far worse. An update on her condition appeared in an article by Samuel Goldsmith in todays New York Daily News.

Former Rainbow girl Kimberly Munley is being hailed as a hero for bringing down the Fort Hood shooter while taking three bullets herself, and her former partner isn't a bit surprised. Shaun Appler, who worked with her years ago in North Carolina, says that he began calling her "Mighty Mouse" after she leaped through the air to free him from an assailant choking him and trying to grab his gun.
"She saved my life that night," Appler says. "When I found out the female officer at Fort Hood was Kim, I wasn't surprised. Kim not only has the training, I know she was mentally prepared to know what to do when you get into that situation." He spoke to her by phone yesterday. "She is in good spirits, although she is obviously saddled with the loss of life that occurred there."
All of us were horrified by the terrorist attack at Ft. Hood last week. We were equally thankful for the heroic actions taken by the civilian policewoman who ended the attack by shooting the terrorist and bringing him down.
Officer Kimberly Barbour Munley was a member of North Carolina Wilmington Assembly 29, now Goldenrod Assembly 29, where she served as Worthy Advisor, and also as the North Carolina Rainbow Grand Musician. She was also a member of the Grand Cross of Color.
I know that each of you join me in praying for the family of Mrs. Munley as she recovers from her injuries, and for all of the families of Ft. Hood.
Kay Letterman, Supreme Inspector in North Carolina, said, "We are very proud of the courage that this young lady displayed to save so many lives.
Sgt. Munley has had two surgeries, but she has survived a shot in the hand and two in her thighs, and without her brave actions, the Ft. Hood shootings would have been far worse. An update on her condition appeared in an article by Samuel Goldsmith in todays New York Daily News.