GL of DC Opens New Lodge: Maynilad Lodge U.D.

The Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia F&AM has granted a dispensation to a new lodge this past week for Masons with a Philippine background or interest: Maynilad Lodge U.D. "Maynilad" was the first recorded name of what is now Manila.

From the Grand Secretary:

Greetings Brethren:

Please be informed that our Grand Master, Most Worshipful Brother Kwame Acquaah, has issued a dispensation (No. 09-25) to a number of regular Freemasons to establish a Lodge in this jurisdiction, under the name of "MAYNILAD Lodge, U.D.", to work using the D.C. Ritual in English and in accordance with the laws, rules and regulations of the Grand Lodge, F.A.A.M., of the District of Columbia.

Alianza Fraternal Americana Lodge No. 92, at its Wednesday, November 18, 2009 stated communication, resolved to support the formation of said new lodge and recommended to the Grand Master that he give favorable consideration to the prayer of the petitioners.

Worshipful Brothers Teddy Villapando, PM; Generoso Calonge, PM; and Edward Usita, PM have been appointed to serve as the first Master, Senior Warden and Junior Warden respectively.

An announcement of the date, time and place for the organizational meeting and installation of the officers of MAYNILAD Lodge, U.D. will be forthcoming.

Cordially and fraternally,

Mansour Hatefi, PGM
Grand Secretary

Worshipful Brother Ken Gibala, Secretary of the new lodge, reports they have 23 members so far, and expect to have 40 charter members by the end of the year. Congratulations to the brethren of Maynilad Lodge U.D.

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