Save the Fish! Save WTO Doha!

Here's an interesting article for those who think that the WTO is anti-environment. (I should also mention that those interested in matters dealing with trade and global warming should see the United Nations Environmental Programme / World Trade Organization publication appropriately entitled "Trade and Climate Change." The folks at Reuters bring us an interesting side-story about the never-ending Doha round that involves incompletion of trade talks waylaying new measures aimed at curbing overfishing. The European NGO Oceana figures big in this story, too:
Proposals to rescue collapsing fish stocks by restricting fisheries subsidies are under threat because of the lack of progress in global trade talks, environmental campaigners said on Thursday.

The talks on fisheries subsidies are part of the World Trade Organisation's Doha round to reform global commerce rules, which is showing few signs of movement despite an intensive work programme agreed by negotiators for the final months of 2009. "We're very concerned," said Michael Hirshfield, chief scientist at Oceana, a U.S.-based group that campaigns to protect the world's oceans.

"We're in a sense hostage to the broader negotiation," he told Reuters while in Geneva to lobby trade negotiators whose talks this week have been focused on fisheries subsidies.

According to the U.N.'s Food and Agriculture Organisation [FAO], more than 80 percent of the world's fisheries are overexploited, fully exploited, depleted or recovering. [NGO] Oceana says that 63 percent of fish stocks worldwide require rebuilding, while more than 1 billion people depend on fish as a key source of protein...

A 2006 study by the University of British Colombia found that global fisheries subsidies amount to $30-34 billion a year. Of that total, about $20 billion increases the capacity of fleets to fish longer, harder and further away.

The WTO fisheries negotiations aim to restrict such subsidies. But countries with large industrial fishing fleets -- such as China, Japan and South Korea -- are reluctant to cut their supports. Many developing nations with subsistence fishermen such as India and African states are also wary.

Hirshfield said it was important to distinguish between different types of fishing. Helping someone in an un-motorised craft fishing in coastal waters for himself or for sale locally by providing ice or docks would not add to overfishing. But providing cheap fuel to industrial fleets to go around the world for fish as an economic commodity was more dangerous.
The article continues by noting that age-old conundrum of international diplomacy, "we want to get moving but we can't till the US gets on board":
Geneva negotiators told Oceana the overall Doha talks would not move until the United States got more involved, he said. "The question is whether it's sufficient for the United States to re-engage or whether other countries or other obstacles will magically appear once the U.S. is eliminated as an excuse," he said. "We just think that it's critical for the WTO to include real reductions in global fishery subsides in any deal that is reached," he said.

Julie Packard, head of the Monterey Bay Aquarium, said growing consumer awareness of overfishing was leading food processors and retailers, like Wal-Mart Stores Inc and Aramark Inc, to commit to source food from sustainable fisheries.
Is the environmental community at odds within when it comes to trade and the WTO? On one hand, you have the WTO-is-the-root-of-environmental-hell-on-Earth set. On the other hand, you have these folks willing to give WTO mechanisms a try but are still being delayed. Still, this new change of emphasis appears welcome to the WTO in improving its "green" image given contentious rulings such as tuna-dolphin and shrimp-turtle, crappy money-losing movies aside. The interesting thing politically is that the dynamics here are somewhat different as this environmental concern is not strictly a North-South issue.

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