I have a note from a brother in search of information about the Ancient and Heroic Order of the Gordian Knot.
He reports:
While stationed in Wurznburg, Germany I became a member of SYNOD # 8 in Kitzingen, Germany on 23 March 1974. Over the years I have lost contact with them and my recent attempts to get in touch with any element of the Gordian Knot has been futile to say the least.
Any information that you could provide will be greatfully appreciated.
I do know that Indiana Synod No. 1 met in November 2008 in Indianapolis at Millersville Lodge No. 126, and claimed to be the only active synod in North America.
The degree is worked as a fund raiser here in Indiana to benefit a local charity.
More information about the Order from the great Mill Valley Lodge website in California.
I have been contacted by Lloyd Atterson here in Indiana. Indiana received a Charter in 2002, and at one time, the degree flourished in Germany among military and civilian workers. Apparently, the original organizers lost interest. Lloyd is now the holder of the Supreme Grand Synod keys, which allows him to issue Charters. Currently there are Synods in Indiana and Georgia. Tennessee and Connecticut are opening Synods, as well. Contact Lloyd at Lloyd at A O L (dot) c o m