Bugliosi Vs. Lifton on the Question of Alteration of JFK’s Body Prior to Autopsy (Part 3 of 3)

Most of the evidence for the body alteration comes from David Lifton’s 699 page book, “Best Evidence – Disguise and Deception in the Assassination of John F. Kennedy”. Vincent Bugliosi claims to debunk Lifton’s claims in his own 1600 page book, “Reclaiming History”. He devotes 14 pages to debunking Lifton’s claims, in a chapter called “David Lifton and the Alteration of the President’s Body”. This post examines the evidence for alteration of the body prior to autopsy, and Bugliosi’s attempted debunking of that evidence. Bugliosi’s “debunking” of Lifton’s evidence and other evidence pointing towards a conspiracy in the assassination of JFK is especially important because Bugliosi is highly respected in many circles. I have a lot of respect for him myself – though as you will see, his “debunking” of Lifton’s book is pathetic at best.

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