Nafta Superhighway Returns From The Dead

The Trans-Texas Corridor, part of the NAFTA Superhighway projected to link the United States with Canada and Mexico as an integral cog of the North American Union, is back on the agenda after Texas Governor Rick Perry lied in claiming that the proposal was dead earlier this year.

The open plan to merge the US with Mexico and Canada and create a Pan-American Union networked by a NAFTA Superhighway has long been a Globalist brainchild, but fierce opposition to the plan from activists across the country has stalled the plan at least temporarily.

Using the cover of a special session of the legislature, Perry will push “a measure that allows private companies to build more toll roads across the state,” according to the Houston Chronicle.

Perry’s attempt to force through toll roads owned and operated by foreign companies as part of the wider agenda for a NAFTA Superhighway and a North American Union is a perfect example of how those in power try to neutralize dissent by pulling dirty tricks - claiming a project is dead and then simply renaming it and continuing with the same agenda.

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