Betrayal of a naive hacker - the ins and outs of the extraordinary extradition battle for Gary McKinnon

Gary McKinnon's life fell apart on April 14, 2003, as he sat, nervous and scared, opposite U.S. prosecutor Scott Stein in the intimidating surroundings of the American Embassy in London.

Make no fuss and agree to extradition for crimes of computer hacking and supposed 'cyber-terrorism', and Gary's punishment would be three or four years in jail, mostly spent in the UK, said Mr Stein.

Fight against the might of the Bush administration, keen to make a post-9/11 example of Gary, and it would be far longer - raising the prospect that he would die in a high-security prison.

Nevertheless Gary chose to fight, sparking a six-year legal battle which continues to this day.

Here, we explain his case, and how he has been betrayed by a system supposed to protect him.

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