The Return of Infinite Justice

Seven+ years of war and funny ‘al-qaeda’ stories is enough. Please take time to find out why it had to be this way, be prepared to be shocked and enjoy..!
For as long as we have been around there have been myths. Myths serve a purpose to conveniently explain how we got here. They also play an important part in maintaining the existing social order.

Tragically, on 11 September 2001 a new myth was borne. This myth is one you know well enough to believe – nineteen ‘al-qaeda’ terror operatives hijacked passenger jets and crashed them into the Twin Towers, the Pentagon and a field somewhere in Pennsylvania. According to the myth the hijackers were carrying out orders for Osama bin Laden, allegedly they also believed in a warped interpretation of Islam that promised them martyrdom complete with seventy-two virgins when they got to heaven. Allegedly they carried out their deeds because they hated our way of life, yet, before 11 September 2001, they were to be found in strip clubs and drinking excessively.

You could not make it up, however this is the myth the world now lives by. It is the cornerstone of The War Against Terrorism, ‘Topic A’ for the Bush/Blair generation of politicians and the myth that upholds the existing social order. Everyone on the left and the right is shoulder to shoulder on the 11 September 2001 story – ‘al-qaeda’ did it, didn’t they?

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