
Russ Baker - Family of Secrets: Poppy Bush

We have Russ Baker with us on the program to talk about the Bush Family Dynasty. Russ is the author of Family of Secrets and the founder of WhoWhatWhy.com. We begin to talk about George Herbert Walker Bush or "Poppy Bush", then we move on to discuss his son "W".

Topics Discussed: Invasion of Iraq, George Herbert Walker Bush, Prescott Bush, James Bush, Who is behind the Bushes? Robert Lovett, Zapata offshore, Thomas Devine, The Oil Business Connection, CIA, Brown Brothers Harriman, How did George W bush end up as the head of the CIA? Iran Contra, Why George H.W. Bush Can't Remember Where He Was on November 22, 1963, The assassination of JFK, FBI memos, James Peritt, George Demorenshield, Lee Harvey Oswald, Harry Truman, Covert Operations, Richard Nixon, Watergate, Ronald Reagan much more.

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