Origins Of The Bilderberg Group Meeting Show Possible Links To The Knights Of Malta

Dr. Joseph Retinger is considered to be the brains behind the formation of the Bilderberg Group where as Prince Bernhard played more of a figure head role serving as its first chairman. It is interesting to see how a man who is widely believed to have been a member of the Knights of Malta was actually behind the creation of this group. Much of the alternative media places a focus on Prince Bernhard when tracing back to the group’s origins. This is despite the fact that Retinger played a much more central role in the creation of this group relative to Prince Bernhard.

Considering Retinger’s principle role in the foundation of Bilderberg, the possibility of his involvement with the Knights of Malta is a very interesting topic of conversation. Many researchers believe that the Bilderberg Group is the most powerful of them all. If Retinger’s involvement in the Knights of Malta is true and there’s a lot of information to believe that it is, this raises serious questions about the Bilderberg Group truly being at the top of any proposed pyramidal control structure. There is little question that the Bilderberg Group is powerful, but if a member of the Knights of Malta was its primary founder, wouldn’t the Knights of Malta and the Vatican arguably be far more powerful? One has to ask the question as to why Retinger’s involvement in the creation of the Bilderberg Group isn’t more widely discussed and scrutinized by people in the alternative research community.

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