The brethren of St. Louis' Crestwood Anchor Lodge No. 443 have hatched an audacious plan. If you are in their neck of the woods on May 28th, 2009, consider attending their 100 Man Meeting. According to their website:
Back in the "old days" of Masonry, a full lodge was a common sight as Masonry was THE social event on any given evening.
But few, if any, hands will be raised today when gentlemen of a lodge are asked "Who has ever sat in a regular communication with 100 men in attendance?"
Our objective is simply to get 100 men together in a regular communication. This simple but unique act does so much to show us what Freemasonry looked like in the past and where it could go in the future.
More importantly, how can the young men of the lodge know what the future will be if we have not experienced and understood the past?
Spread the word; tell your brothers far and wide. Close your eyes. Imagine such a meeting. Make it happen.
Contact the lodge here for more information.