Greg and Dean over at MasonicCentral.com continue to bring notable Masonic authors and researchers to their podcast program. Tonight, Sunday March 8th, they will be speaking with Brother W. Kirk MacNulty about his books "Freemasonry: Symbols, Secrets, Significance" and "Freemasonry: A Journey Through Ritual and Symbol". I've had the distinct pleasure of meeting him a couple times, as well as hearing him speak, and Brother MacNulty always gives you a new perspective to ponder about the fraternity, its symbols, origins and philosophy.
The show records live at 9pm EST/6pm PST on MasonicCentral.com, and you can also access previous programs.
Next week, March 15, UCLA history professor Margaret C. Jacob, author of "Living The Enlightenment" will be the featured guest.
Greg Stewart has also revamped his website at www.freemasoninformation.com with an ambitious lineup of blogging partners collected together in one place.